LandRocker Weekly Progress Report #10: Week 14 Highlights

3 min readSep 3, 2024


Welcome to this week’s LandRocker Progress Report! Our team has been busy making exciting updates, introducing new features, and implementing improvements over the past week. Here’s a quick overview of what’s been accomplished:

Version Updates

Release Notes 0.6.56

New Features:

  • Rover Additions:
  • Rover Striker and Rover Shade Runner have been added, each with enhanced capabilities, making your mining missions more efficient and exciting.
  • Weapon Enhancements:
  • Hyena Weapon: Introduced with a new bleeding damage ability.
  • Lion Weapon: Updated with a curved multiple-hit bullet feature and a new burst mode VFX.
  • New collectible game items for the Hyena weapon have been added.
  • Configured the Lion weapon for optimal performance according to the latest design document.
  • FMOD and Sound Updates:
  • Added FMOD events for Environmental Hazards and updated existing ones.
  • Introduced new background music tracks to enhance the game atmosphere.
  • Updated sound effects, including Lion weapon bullet bounce and various environment sounds.
  • UI/UX Improvements:
  • Updated character and marketplace panels with new UI elements.
  • Added new UI for transferring materials to the spaceship.
  • Introduced a Health Warning Panel for better in-game alerts.
  • Improved data display on the garage and character panels.
  • Refined the HUD and other in-game UI components for better clarity and usability.

Fixes and Improvements:

  • Weapon and VFX Fixes:
  • Corrected the Hyena weapon muzzle VFX and player hand positioning.
  • Fixed the Lion weapon projectile bounce and orientation issues.
  • Addressed the initial setup issues with the Hyena and Lion weapons, ensuring smoother gameplay.
  • Adjusted weapon icon and bullet bounce effects for better visual fidelity.
  • Environment and Gameplay Enhancements:
  • Improved the boss fight speed by 1.5x for a more dynamic experience.
  • Fine-tuned the EMP environment hazard effects and parameters.
  • Optimized the initial setup for various environmental hazards.
  • Localization Updates:
  • Fixed various localization issues, including font adjustments and language-specific bugs.
  • Added new localization entries to support additional languages and contexts.
  • Miscellaneous Improvements:
  • Enhanced sky generator parameters for improved environmental visuals.
  • Improved the projectile effects for boss fights and weapon interactions.
  • Fixed minor bugs in the marketplace and character environment displays.
  • Updated project version and addressed minor fixes across various builds.
  • Enhanced the addressable asset system and updated meta files for testing purposes.

Special Events and Announcements

  1. Launch of the Momentum NFT Collection: The Momentum NFT Collection is now live and available for purchase on the website. This new collection features exclusive Rovers that are essential for accessing mining missions and unlocking special commands in the Command Center. Get yours today and start your journey!
  2. New Staking Plan Launched: From August 26th to September 26th, stake your LRT tokens and take advantage of our new staking plan with competitive APRs.
  3. LandRocker Telegram Galaxy Coming Soon: In less than two weeks, we’ll be launching the LandRocker Telegram Galaxy app. This new platform will enable our community to explore the cosmos, mine valuable elements, and join the LandRocker Telegram Army, bringing a whole new dimension to our game.

Operation Unity Updates

  1. Warrior Robot — Model and Texture: Created a clean model and texture for the Warrior Robot based on the concept design.
  2. ShadeRunner Rover — Modeling and Texturing: Completed the modeling and texturing of the ShadeRunner Rover, based on a concept design.
  3. Redesign of the Command Center: The Command Center has been completely redesigned to enhance functionality and provide a more intuitive user experience.
  4. Weapons Detail Panel with 3D Visualization Feature: Added a Weapons Detail Panel with a 3D visualization feature in the 3D game. This allows players to view and interact with weapons from different angles, providing a more immersive understanding of each weapon’s design and functionality.

Website and Help Center Updates

  1. Website Update: Our website has been updated with the latest information and improved navigation to enhance user experience. This includes the launch of the Momentum NFT Collection.
  2. Help Center Update: The Help Center has been updated with a comprehensive article detailing the Momentum NFT Collection, including information on how these NFTs enhance gameplay.

Looking Ahead

  1. Launch of LandRocker Telegram Galaxy: Get ready for a new era of exploration and rewards as we expand across multiple blockchains. Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the launch date!
  2. Matic’s Transition to POL: With Matic’s transformation into POL, on September 4th, we are strategically positioned to dominate the battlefield. Stay vigilant and prepare for action!

Enjoy the new updates and happy gaming!




A P2E game about battle and space exploration. Travel to planets, free them from aliens, and mine rare resources like NFTs, crypto tokens, and materials.